Why logistics companies need good onboarding practices

Grace Clueit 3 min read

Poor onboarding practices have various knock-on effects throughout companies, ultimately impeding organisational growth, efficiency and profitability.

Poor onboarding practices have various knock-on effects throughout companies, ultimately impeding organisational growth, efficiency and profitability.

The transport, logistics and supply chain areas are fast moving and have thousands of workers, employees and contractors flowing through their doors each day.

Poor onboarding practices have various knock-on effects throughout these companies, ultimately impeding organisational growth, efficiency and profitability.

Let’s take a closer look into why logistics companies need good onboarding practices:

High turnover of staff

Logistics companies are oftentimes operating on large scales with a high turnover of staff and workers. Without a good induction system in place, it would be an administrative nightmare to keep on top of all your workers compliance, documents, licences, forms and training.

External contractors

Many logistics companies use external contractors that they need to ensure have been inducted correctly before working on their site. A Contractor Management System (CMS) will allow you to manage external contactors on one streamlined and centralised software. Altora’s CMS is an optional add on and works harmoniously with our Induction Software and Sign-In System.

Worker experience

It’s so important to provide your workers with a good onboarding experience. A positive induction experience enhances compliance, reduces risk and promotes worker loyalty. Getting your workers hitting the ground running and setting these important foundations will encourage them to follow these standards throughout their time working for you.

Remote sites

Many of our logistics clients have remote operations, sometimes with only one contractor visiting a particular site. Having an online induction software that allows contractors to be onboarded virtually, plus the option of being able to sign in when arriving at site, is exceptionally important to manage WHS requirements, document management and other onboarding protocols.

Work Health and Safety

WHS is necessary across all industries but in particular higher risk sectors, such as the supply chain areas, need to ensure that they are compliant and have met all industry and state standards. An intuitive onboarding software reduces WHS risk, improves organisation and time management, and alleviates associated administrative stress.

Productivity and Profitability

It’s highly beneficial to capitalise on streamlined and intuitive onboarding software within fast paced industries such as logistics. Altora’s software not only saves you money due to lower onboarding costs and increased efficiency, but due to our no per-user costs, the more workers you onboard, the more you will save.

What’s the solution?

Onboarding systems can be made up of various components, for example, Altora has three products that work simultaneously together to help organisations induct, manage and facilitate sign in for their workers, staff and contractors.

Altora’s Induction Platform – Core System

This is our core system and allows you to induct your workforce and ensure compliance. Customise training, manage documents, forms and licenses, facilitate safety inductions with unlimited users per site, centralised storage, powerful reporting tools and more.

Altora’s Contractor Management System – Optional add-on

Prequalify contractors, verify compliance, track expiring insurances, evaluate contractor performance.

Altora’s Sign-In Software – Optional add-on

Self check-in for visitors, workers and contractors from their own mobiles or setup physical kiosks. Designed for seamless multi-site management.

Profile photo of Grace Clueit

This article was written by Grace Clueit, Altora’s Marketing Manager. Grace has significant experience in marketing and writing.

This content was 100% human-created.