Verifying compliance before workers arrive at work is all that’s needed for some companies.

For those that require recording worker attendance on site and at the point of check-in - to verify site compliance plus much more, our check-in module is the perfect product that is already integrated into Altora.

Streamlined multi-site management

How does the check-in system work?

Our Induction System is our core product and our check-in system can be added on for you easily.

Our check in system enables the following:

  • Sign in when they get to site via a digital kiosk or QR code

  • Monitoring and live updates in real-time

  • Emergency management capabilities, including the use of ‘who’s on site’ reporting, which allows you to see exactly who’s on site, where and when.

  • Robust compliance monitoring

  • Missing information prompts and notifications

Vestas - Check-In System:

One of our valued clients, Vestas, are a renewable energy organisation with multiple remote wind farm sites across Australia.

Vestas initially signed up to our induction system before deciding to add on our sign-in software.

Due to not having a site office, they required a process that would enable them to manage who’s on site with ease.

Screenshot of worker check-in system for multiple sites.

Altora implemented our check-in system to replace Vesta’s previous software.

This new system ensures compliance and a seamless check in and induction process.

Their Altora check-in system works harmoniously with Vesta’s Altora induction software. Here’s how:

Streamlined data

Any data collected within their check-in system transfers and is stored within the induction software. For example, any site check ins, reports, and evacuations reported on site will all be visible within the induction system. It will also be linked to any relevant companies or workers that you choose to connect that information with.

Image of Altora admin UI, representing streamlining of data between systems

Image of Altora admin UI, representing streamlining of data between systems

Enhanced compliance

Our check-in system serves as an extra layer of protection within your induction processes, prompting workers to provide any missing information such as licences and certifications, as well as saving those documents within the centralised induction system and linked to that specific worker. It also flags if a worker has not completed certain training modules that are required before they begin work – ensuring that nothing gets missed.

Centralised reporting capabilities

Due to both the check-in system information being visible within our core induction software, your centralised system, you’ll have advanced reporting capabilities such as check-in insights and stats, and compliance.

Image of Altora admin UI, representing streamlining of data between systems