Why agriculture companies are prioritising digital processes in 2025

Grace Clueit 3 min read

With large farming operations and increased numbers of contractors and workers, efficient processes need to be followed to in order to maximise efficiency and profitability for companies within agriculture.

With large farming operations and increased numbers of contractors and workers, efficient processes need to be followed to in order to maximise efficiency and profitability for companies within agriculture.

Agriculture is a vast and fruitful (no pun intended) industry. As technology has improved, so has our ability to grow these sectors, resulting in much larger scale operations.

With these large farming operations and increased numbers of contractors and workers, efficient processes need to be followed to in order to maximise efficiency and profitability for companies within agriculture.

Here’s four key reasons why agriculture companies are prioritising digital processes in 2025.

New Technology:

While some agricultural organisations may have capitalised on advanced farming technologies and techniques, their business processes are often stuck in the dark ages when it comes to digital systems. There is fantastic technology available to help you streamline and optimise your day-to-day operations and it’s so important to not get left behind.

Efficient onboarding is an integral part of this, and Altora’s user-friendly, cost effective and streamlined technology is ready and available to make your induction and compliance operations run smoother.

Reduce Costs

Inefficient practices, especially on large scales, can cost farming organisations greatly. Manual or convoluted processes are highly risk-prone and can easily cost your organisation more in employee time, resources and money.

When our clients break down how much they were spending on inductions pre vs post getting an induction software, they save so much. Training facilitators, missed information, miscommunication, longer training times and higher WHS risk factors, the costs add up when using inefficient onboarding processes.

Work Health and Safety

As time has gone on, WHS protocols and regulations have become increasingly strict. The risks associated with induction and compliance errors are extremely high and if something goes wrong, it can be enough to get you in some serious safety, legal and financial worries.

A streamlined, user-friendly and intuitive onboarding system can help you manage your workers compliance requirements with ease. Set up tasks and workflows to create safety nets, ensuring you’ve dotted all the ‘Is’ and crossed all the ‘Ts’.

Get the most out of your team

Your employees are arguably your most valuable asset and streamlined digital processes will help you get the most out of your team. The transparency that efficient processes create will also hugely benefit your workers, providing them with clarity and job satisfaction.

You want your workers, whether contractors or longer-term staff, to hit the ground running with clear expectations of their role. Inefficient onboarding practices can be vague, unclear and miscommunicated. With an online onboarding software such as Altora’s, you can pre-populate all training, induction and compliance requirements onto our centralised system, allowing your workforce to go through consistent and comprehensive training.

Profile photo of Grace Clueit

This article was written by Grace Clueit, Altora’s Marketing Manager. Grace has significant experience in marketing and writing.

This content was 100% human-created.